Friday, January 11, 2019

Today in 6A!

ENGLISH: Students wrote their Unit 8 Vocabulary/Chapter 12 Grammar test today.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Students are reminded that their "Hinduism Pen Pals" assignment is due by the start of Monday and should be worked on at home. Monday's class will be a review period for our Hinduism test on Tuesday.

LITERATURE: Students are doing excellent work creating their calendars for The Wednesday Wars. Since 10 images are needed for the final submission, students should spend some time over the weekend working on their art. They will have class time all through next week to continue their work.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Today in 6A 7 6B

ENGLISH: Our review session for tomorrow's test went well. We started with Flash Cards and then it was an open period to work on the review. Below is an image of the exhaustive list students may use to prepare for this test. Many of the exercises listed are ones we did together in class. Students should pay special attention to proofreading for capitalization and spelling. As usual, there are sections on antonyms and synonyms, and one more section regarding spelling.

LITERATURE: Students continued their work on their Wednesday Wars Calendars.

RELIGION: Students wrote an open-book quiz for the very first chapter of our new books, Christ Our Life.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Students were issued an assignment that is to be completed in pairs. As described on our Google Classroom page, students will ask three research style questions for their partner to answer. Each group partner will answer their partner's 3 questions in a 2-5 sentence response. Together these pairings will submit their work in a single document on the google classroom page. Google Docs functions so that students may access their shared documents remotely and independently. THIS IS NOT TONIGHT"S HOMEWORK. I would much rather students prepare for their English test and so this assignment will be due at the start of Monday.

MATH (8:00 class) pg 199 1-23 odds only  (9:00 class) pg 238 1-28 
+++Both classes Should be 45%-50% to Goal in Accelerated Math

SCIENCE Worksheet packet

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Today in 6A & 6B

ENGLISH: After reviewing our flash cards, students examined some additional capitalization rules. The unifying factor in all of our capitalization rules is the specificity of a certain word. Are we talking about mountain ranges or the Rocky Mountains? We then looked at some rather confusing spelling rules. For each of these rules there are some exceptions, which means they're terrible rules. I stress to all students that this effort in improving spelling is centered more around memorization than rules. For this reason, spelling with regards to our vocabulary terms will have more of a focus moving forward. Additionally, students performed Exercise 1 from section 12.4. This will be tested on this Friday and will have significant weight (ie: 3 points per question). This is an opportunity for students to prove their understanding of how to spell, but also, how to use words correctly.

STAR TESTING: Students performed their STAR reading test today and next Tuesday they will write their STAR math. (6b will take this test Friday)

RELIGION: In today's lesson we explored the many ways we have gotten to know some of our best friends. From there we explore the reciprocal relationship we have with our God. How to do we communicate in a two-way manner with our Lord?

SOCIAL STUDIES: After taking up the previous day's homework, we launched a new section where we dive a bit deeper into the beliefs of the Hindu religion. Here we learn that while there are many different beliefs of the many Hindu believers, there are 4 main core beliefs that all Hindus abide by. Of those 4, Moksha, or the desire to escape the cycle of reincarnation, sits paramount above all others and serves as a guiding light for all Hindus. There are 3 pathways to achieving Moksha and a Hindu may strive to pursue 1, 2 or all 3 of them simultaneously. Homework for this section is on page 201 #1-5.

MATH (8:00 class) pg 194 1-24  (9:00 class) pg 232 1-43 skip #'s 14 & 15

Monday, January 7, 2019

Today in 6A& 6B

I want to first extend a warm and heartfelt thank-you to all families for their tremendous generosity in the many gifts we received prior to the break. I feel truly blessed to be a part of such a fine community.

ENGLISH: We started our grammar week this morning and will be testing vocabulary and grammar together on Friday. to better prepare students for this challenge we are reviewing our flash cards daily in class to revive some of the pre-Christmas knowledge.

LITERATURE: Today we (finally) finished "The Wednesday Wars" and introduced our final assessment for this read. Students will be creating a calendar for the 1967-68 school year in relation to the chapters of the book. The details of this assignment are on Google Classroom and it will be due a week from Friday (1/18/2019).

RELIGION: Today we explored the "sun/Son" homonyms and responded to the prompt, "Let the son shine in." We extended this to how we might be Christ in each others' lives and how others are Chirst in ours.

SOCIAL STUDIES: We began our Hinduism unit today and will likely move quite quickly through it. We have 3 sections to explore this week and will be testing by the middle of next week. Homework for today is questions 1-4 on page 195.

Today in 6A! Since the academics of our year have officially ended, this week will largely be about embracing our community in different w...