Today in 6A & 6B
RELIGION: Today we postponed our scheduled session test in lieu of a grade-wide discussion regarding bullying harassment and inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature. Due to an incident involving some of our students, our administrators decided it necessary to discuss the consequences of such inappropriate behavior. Mr. Gray and Mr. VanRuyven explained this information to all 6th grade boys while Dr. O'Bannion lead our girls in this discussion. The instructional information can be found on the following website:
Our Religion Test will be issued Monday.
ENGLISH: Today was our chapter review of our grammar week. Because we are away at the La Brea Tar Pits tomorrow, this test will be on Monday. This chapter review was not assigned as homework, however, students are well aware of their performance on the first test and will each need to make a decision on what level of preparation will be necessary for them to be ready for Monday's test. The test will include the grammar lessons from this week in addition to last weeks vocabulary words. I encourage all students to make use of our online materials for both sections.
LITERATURE: Students continued work on their comic strips for Crash. They will have one more in-class session to work on these pieces when they will be turned in Tuesday (6A) or Wednesday (6B).
SOCIAL STUDIES: Due to today's earthquake drill, we held our Social Studies class together to outline the details of tomorrow's field trip. Students are aware that they need to pack a sack lunch, that they are to be in proper uniform, that they will not be bringing their cell phones, as well as the detailed timeline of our trip (as detailed as anyone can get when driving into LA traffic). We are all super jazzed for the day tomorrow.
MATH (8:00 class) WS 1-6 & 1-7 (9:00 class) accelerated Math
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Today in 6A & 6B
ENGLISH: Finishing the unit work for Parts of a Sentence, we looked at Direct Objects and Subject Complements. Students practiced these skills using the website, and are encouraged to do more practice here as they prepare for Monday's unit test.
AR READING/MATH: Students all completed the AR quiz for "Crash" earning valuable points toward their STAR reading goals. Additionally, students worked on their comic strips that are due Tuesday (Mr. VanRuyven) or Wednesday (Mr. Gray).
RELIGION: Today we summarized our Abraham session, reviewing his role as patriarch of the chosen people. We also made prayer intentions for next Monday's morning assembly. 4 or 5 students will be chosen to read prayers at that assembly.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Students submitted their Agricultural Revolution Infographics at the start of class, via Google Classroom. We then dove in to our new lesson exploring the rise of cities and civilizations. This lesson builds on our early farming lessons by incorporating the concepts of surplus and specialization. This helped our ancestors pursue their personal interests, whatever they may be, to grow and develop various civilizations simultaneously around the globe. Students were assigned questions #1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 on page 45 for homework.
MATH (8:00 class) Accelerated Math for Homework (9:00 class) pg 59 1-43 Chapter 1 Test Tomorrow
ENGLISH: Finishing the unit work for Parts of a Sentence, we looked at Direct Objects and Subject Complements. Students practiced these skills using the website, and are encouraged to do more practice here as they prepare for Monday's unit test.
AR READING/MATH: Students all completed the AR quiz for "Crash" earning valuable points toward their STAR reading goals. Additionally, students worked on their comic strips that are due Tuesday (Mr. VanRuyven) or Wednesday (Mr. Gray).
RELIGION: Today we summarized our Abraham session, reviewing his role as patriarch of the chosen people. We also made prayer intentions for next Monday's morning assembly. 4 or 5 students will be chosen to read prayers at that assembly.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Students submitted their Agricultural Revolution Infographics at the start of class, via Google Classroom. We then dove in to our new lesson exploring the rise of cities and civilizations. This lesson builds on our early farming lessons by incorporating the concepts of surplus and specialization. This helped our ancestors pursue their personal interests, whatever they may be, to grow and develop various civilizations simultaneously around the globe. Students were assigned questions #1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 on page 45 for homework.
MATH (8:00 class) Accelerated Math for Homework (9:00 class) pg 59 1-43 Chapter 1 Test Tomorrow
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Today in 6A & 6B
ENGLISH: We continued our lessons on the parts of a sentence, today focusing on hard to find subjects and compound subjects and verbs. This is a significant step up in difficulty from our work yesterday. Students used the online practice sheets on the website (6.3 and 6.4). While this is not assigned as homework, students should understand these concepts and make use of these worksheets for practice.
LITERATURE: Today we finished "Crash". Students are now able to take a STAR reading test on this book and gain points toward their reading goals for trimester 1. As a capstone assignment, students have been assigned the task (via Google Classroom) of illustrating a comic of their favorite/most meaningful/most important scene from the book. The rubric for grading is attached to the assignment. Students were given some time today to work on this in class and should have at least one more session to work on this in class. This will be due on Tuesday, October 2, 2018.
RELIGION: We continued with our look at Abraham and his covenant with God. We examined a painting that depicts a group of people dancing the Hora.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Students continued their work in creating their infographics for the Stone Age Agricultural revolution. This is due (submitted on Google Classroom) at the start of class tomorrow.
MATH (8:00 class) pg 42 26-38 + Accelerated math (9:00 class) pg 52-53 1-46
ENGLISH: We continued our lessons on the parts of a sentence, today focusing on hard to find subjects and compound subjects and verbs. This is a significant step up in difficulty from our work yesterday. Students used the online practice sheets on the website (6.3 and 6.4). While this is not assigned as homework, students should understand these concepts and make use of these worksheets for practice.
LITERATURE: Today we finished "Crash". Students are now able to take a STAR reading test on this book and gain points toward their reading goals for trimester 1. As a capstone assignment, students have been assigned the task (via Google Classroom) of illustrating a comic of their favorite/most meaningful/most important scene from the book. The rubric for grading is attached to the assignment. Students were given some time today to work on this in class and should have at least one more session to work on this in class. This will be due on Tuesday, October 2, 2018.
RELIGION: We continued with our look at Abraham and his covenant with God. We examined a painting that depicts a group of people dancing the Hora.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Students continued their work in creating their infographics for the Stone Age Agricultural revolution. This is due (submitted on Google Classroom) at the start of class tomorrow.
MATH (8:00 class) pg 42 26-38 + Accelerated math (9:00 class) pg 52-53 1-46
Monday, September 24, 2018
Today in 6A & 6B
ENGLISH: As we transition to a Grammar week, we are learning the Parts of a Sentence, namely, Subjects and Predicates. Students practiced identifying complete subjects and predicates and then refined their focus to simple subjects and simple predicates. We made use of some additional practice on and I encourage all students to make use of the exercises here to improve in this skill. All of this will help us become better writers and better peer critiques.
LITERATURE: We began the final installment of "Crash" today, however we were called out to partake in picture day and were unable to finish the book. We will finish it tomorrow and students will be given their summative assessment for this reading then.
RELIGION: As we learn about Abraham and Sarah, we examine an event from our own lives when we were faced with a difficult task that we were successful at completing, and how that sense of accomplishment made us feel. Students illustrated these moments in their composition books.
SOCIAL STUDIES: To reinforce our exploration into Early Agriculture last week, students were assigned a task on Google Classroom where they are creating infographics that help to communicate this message. The instructions are on Google Classroom however students are guided to focus on how these improvements/changes impacted the lives of these early humans. Students will continue this assignment in class tomorrow.
MATH (8:00 class) Adding Integers pg 42 1-25 (9:00 class) WS 1-7 &1-9
SCIENCE pg 37 1-4 Science Test Wed
ENGLISH: As we transition to a Grammar week, we are learning the Parts of a Sentence, namely, Subjects and Predicates. Students practiced identifying complete subjects and predicates and then refined their focus to simple subjects and simple predicates. We made use of some additional practice on and I encourage all students to make use of the exercises here to improve in this skill. All of this will help us become better writers and better peer critiques.
LITERATURE: We began the final installment of "Crash" today, however we were called out to partake in picture day and were unable to finish the book. We will finish it tomorrow and students will be given their summative assessment for this reading then.
RELIGION: As we learn about Abraham and Sarah, we examine an event from our own lives when we were faced with a difficult task that we were successful at completing, and how that sense of accomplishment made us feel. Students illustrated these moments in their composition books.
SOCIAL STUDIES: To reinforce our exploration into Early Agriculture last week, students were assigned a task on Google Classroom where they are creating infographics that help to communicate this message. The instructions are on Google Classroom however students are guided to focus on how these improvements/changes impacted the lives of these early humans. Students will continue this assignment in class tomorrow.
MATH (8:00 class) Adding Integers pg 42 1-25 (9:00 class) WS 1-7 &1-9
SCIENCE pg 37 1-4 Science Test Wed
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Today in 6A! Since the academics of our year have officially ended, this week will largely be about embracing our community in different w...
Today in 6A! Since the academics of our year have officially ended, this week will largely be about embracing our community in different w...
Special bulletin: Mr Gray raps and the kids love it. I caught what I could.
Today in 6A & 6B ENGLISH: Today we started our shortened week with our Grammar unit; we are studying Nouns and Pronouns, which is larg...