Thursday, May 9, 2019

Today in 6A!

RELIGION: We reviewed the concepts from this week's lesson on sin, grace and reconciliation.

ENGLISH: Students worked on their first drafts of their myth. This first draft should be completed for class tomorrow, so that students may engage in peer editing and be ready to submit by the end of class.

LITERATURE: In our reading today, Malala poses the question of  "why would the Taliban target schools for young girls?" This lead us into a discussion around control of the masses and keeping people either misinformed or unwillingly ignorant. This is a strategy employed by fascists and other leaders who seek to manipulate their citizenry and I encourage all my students to ask good questions and make good use of their education to avoid such a future for themselves.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Our lesson explored the tripartite nature of the early Roman Republic. The chapter makes several comparisons to our government's function and make up here in the United States. It is important to understand these aspects of ancient Rome so that we may better understand our own government. Homework for this lesson is on page 497 #1, 2, 4, 5, 6.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Today in 6A!

ENGLISH: Students continued their prewriting for their myth writing. Students are aware that prewriting should be completed by today, so if it is not, then students will need to complete that for homework. The prewriting instructions are posted here below. Students need to come to class ready to begin drafting tomorrow.

RELIGION: Following our lesson on God's grace, we learned about sin, both Mortal and Venial sins. We learned how the knowledge of actions being wrong and the willingness to do those actions anyways are what qualify the severity of a sin.

SOCIAL STUDIES: In class we performed an exercise that divided our class into the small elite patriarch group and the larger plebeian group. Through this exercise, the patriarchs were allowed to decide the scale and scope of the task at hand. They could punish plebeians for the smallest of offenses and they would also be rewarded with relaxation and treats while the plebeians worked. This activity helped to highlight some of the challenges to the early republic and identify some of the possible solutions to these issues.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Today in 6A!

ENGLISH: After completing our flash cards and Sadlier exercises, students were issued their writing assignment for Unit 15. In this composition, students will be creating their own myths. The instructions for this assignment are on Google Classroom with some options for writing purposes. The image below is the pre-writing strategy we are using for this narrative piece. Students should follow the numbered directions and create a good plan prior to drafting. I anticipate that students may not begin drafting until the later half of tomorrow class. This is fine. It is more essential that students know what they plan to say prior to saying it.

LITERATURE: We read another few chapters in I Am Malala and afterward students were feeling a bit angry about how things were changing for Malala in the mid-2000's Pakistan. They heard about Benazir Bhoutto and how restrictive society became when controlled by radical conservative influences. Many of the strategies used in this place and time mirror what has happened many times over history.

RELIGION: Today's lesson explored the amazing grace that God offers to us unconditionally. This gift is intimately tied to our practice of reconciliation and its four embodiments.

SOCIAL STUDIES: In our second lesson for Ancient Rome, students see how the early governments of Latium and the Etruscan Kings quickly move toward a more democratic model. Due to the relatively late transition to democracy, we can see how this society was influenced by Greece and other neighbors within the Mediterranean. The conflict between the Patriarchs and the Plebians is onewe will look at more closely. Homework for this session is on page 492 #1, 2, 4, 5

MATH (8:00 class) pgs 365-366 1-21  (9:00 class) pg 412-413 1-16 + WS 8-7

Monday, May 6, 2019

Today in 6A & 6B

ENGLISH: Our lesson today, introducing the next and last set of iWords for the 2018-19 school year, went pretty smoothly. Knowing that this is the last set of vocabulary terms students will receive, they now know when their last vocabulary test will be (Friday, May 17th). I am suggesting to all students that they not "coast" through the last 4 weeks of instruction and instead, "power through" as it can be tempting to relax, however, this is often when most students see their largest dip in grades, when they can see the finish line. Let's finish strong!

LITERATURE: We began reading "I am Malala" today, the story of Malala Yousafzai, a young girl from rural Pakistan who was shot by the Taliban for wanting to learn. Through section one, students are already getting a strong image of what life is like for young women under the influence of Islamic conservative idealism.

RELIGION: Our lesson this week explores God's forgiveness of his people. Drawing parallels between the Old Testament and New Testament readings, we see that the purposeful use of imagery is used to compare events and symbols, helps people derive meaning from the events.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Our first lesson of the Ancient Rome unit. Students had a look at the geographical situation that lead Rome to be a dominant influence over the Italian peninsula, as well as the founding myths of the city. Students then also looked at the difference between Physical (hard) and Economic (soft) power. Homework is on page 486 #1, 2, 4, 5, 6

MATH (8:00 class)  WS 7-1 7 7-2  (9:00 class) pg 423 2-24 evens

SCIENCE pg 227 1-3

Today in 6A! Since the academics of our year have officially ended, this week will largely be about embracing our community in different w...