ENGLISH: We continued with writing our first draft of our children's story book. This first draft needs to be completed by tomorrow so that students may participate in peer editing. Their draft should be in pencil, on paper so that students can write their edits and suggestions on the page in another color.
RELIGION: We finished the session today with a talk about how and what things influence our daily lives. The critical analysis required to seek truth in our modern news reporting is just one example of how the media influences our lives, but also how being an "influencer" has become a way of life for some people. I used the Fyre festival example to show students how someone's influence over them can be harmful to their health and well being.
SOCIAL STUDIES: In our class we performed a thought exercise that sought to connect how invention within ancient Rome was used to maintain control of an extremely vast empire. Roads, and the tolls paid to carry goods on them, helped to finance the road's maintenance but also ensured only law-abiding citizens got their goods to market. Similarly, those who lives in areas serviced by an aqueduct, would be less likely to leave that area when they know that they have a reliable fresh water resource nearby.
MATH (8:00 class) pg 396 1-32 chp 7 Test Tomorrow (9:00 class) Pg 453 13-15 + WS
SCIENCE pg 255 1-4
MATH (8:00 class) pg 396 1-32 chp 7 Test Tomorrow (9:00 class) Pg 453 13-15 + WS
SCIENCE pg 255 1-4
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