Monday, February 11, 2019

Today in 6A & 6B

ENGLISH: As we being a new vocabulary unit, we spent our time in class creating associations and defining what our new list of 20 words mean.

LITERATURE: Stopping on page 200, we see how Billy, his grandfather, and his father are all preparing and travelling to a major raccoon hunt tournament. Wandering around the camp, Billy hears people talking about him and his dogs and this fills him with some pride.

RELIGION: We started our Unit 2 in Family Life and introduced our conversation regarding the many gifts that God has given us. These are all natural gifts, or talents that we find. I impressed upon the students, the need to explore, reflect, fail and learn about yourself and your talents many times throughout our lives.

SOCIAL STUDIES: While watching a short video about the life of Confucius, student answered several questions regarding its content to show that they were paying close attention to the presentation. Additionally, students are to write a 1/2 page reflection on one of four sayings by Confucius and to submit that on the assignment page prior to class tomorrow.

MATH (8:00 class) pg 234 1-49 Chp 4 Test Tomorrow (9:00 class) pg 286-287 1-45

SCIENCE pg 176 1-4

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Today in 6A! Since the academics of our year have officially ended, this week will largely be about embracing our community in different w...