Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Today in 6A & 6B

ENGLISH: After yesterday's biographical and historical context, today we examined the poem by Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken." Beginning with the title, we tried to decipher what the author could have meant when he wrote this piece. We interpreted the figurative and descriptive language. In this exercise, we learned that it is more than just a poem about making decisions, it shows that the decisions that this individual faced are similar to the ones our students will face in the next 5 years. This was helpful in detailing the layered meaning of this poem.

LITERATURE: Today 6A finished the book "The Egypt Game." The story came to a definitive conclusion with our characters gaining some closure on who the Professor is and was and what we can expect him to become. Students know now that they have a 1-2 page essay which will outline the nautre of their chose character based solely on that character's actions, not their words. Students are reminded that they are not to "retell" this story but to reference action and analyze that action for what it tells us about their character. This essay will be due next Wednesday (one week from tomorrow) and students will be given benchmarks that they should meet each day.

RELIGION: Our lesson reviewed much of what we have learned in Social studies surrounding the exile of the Jews from Egypt and the role of Moses in that effort. It also discussed the connections to our faith as Christians.

SOCIAL STUDIES: After taking up the homework from yesterday, students were shown 2 videos. The first explained how the emergence of a monotheistic religion happened from an archaeological standpoint and presented from the ancient site of a Hebrew fortress that overlooked the place where David met Goliath. The second video was a narrated walking tour of the old city of Jerusalem where the video creator toured such important sites as the 4 quarters, the Western Wall, the Temple on the Mount, the Church of the Holy Sepulcre, and more. I found this helpful for students to connect what they have learned about the Ancient Hebrews to a physical place and see that this space is still inhabited by the ancestors of the ancients.

MATH (8:00 class) pg 303 13-42  (9:00 class) WS 7-2

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Today in 6A! Since the academics of our year have officially ended, this week will largely be about embracing our community in different w...