Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Today in 6A & 6B

ENGLISH: Students worked on their illustrations for their children's stories. This will require some work at home in order to be completed in time for our deadline of Thursday. Students need to keep in mind the grading criteria for their illustrations: They must enhance the text, the art style needs to be consistent, and someone who cannot read should be able to know what is happening in the story by just looking at the pictures.

LITERATURE: Students began writing a personal letter to Malala Yousafzai. The assignment is posted on Google Classroom for both 6A and 6B and will be completed in class Thursday.

RELIGION: In keeping with the theme of leadership and stemming from last week's examination of the Judges, this week's lesson talks about the first kings of the nation of Israel.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Today's lesson is the last of our year and our unit on ancient Rome. Here we talked about the multi-faceted decline of the Roman Empire. Homework for this section can be found on page 584 #1-6.

MATH (8:00 class) pg 524 1-18  (9:00 class) pg 466 1-17

SCIENCE pg 258 1-3

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Today in 6A! Since the academics of our year have officially ended, this week will largely be about embracing our community in different w...